We have automated post press printing machine that ensures high accuracy in automatic binding of the printing material produced.
At Shrdha Printex we employ use of Guk and Shoei automatic folding machine which ensure quick and accurate folding of the material other machineries include Five paper sewing machines, Three nipping machine, One Polygraph centre pinning machine, and Two strapping machines, etc.
Binding is an essential post press printing requirement that include arranging pages in a sequential manner and sticking each other to form a book, magazine, etc. The process is automated and does not involve manual labor. It is a cost-effective and time-saving process, which is accomplished with the help of automated machine and enhances the accuracy of the binding process. With us, you receive affordable automated post press binding solution. The post press solution offered at SDR is reliable and immediate.
We also offer post press finishing service to enhance the quality of the product. Our service is affordable and meets the budget of small and mid- sized organization. Finishing comes in two forms in-line finishing and offline finishing. Finishing refers to the coating applied to the printed product to enhance the visibility, protection and as a decorative purpose. The chemical used in finishing the operation include primer that is used to prepare the surface for absorbing ink or other chemical coatings. Where, a lacquer is used for the decorative purpose. It is also applied in printing packaging.
Finishing provides a protective coating which shows resistance from oxygen, water, or other chemicals. It is an important post press step that helps to enhance the quality of the material. Inline finishing refers to the method of finishing which is carried out by the same company or place where printing has been done.